Bitcoin vs Lightning Fees
We’ve written a number of posts explaining and discussing how Lightning can help individual traders as well as exchanges have a better trading experience and make more money. The current bitcoin bull market serves as a convenient opportunity to highlight …
Announcement: API Pricing Change
Our mission is to democratize data. We strongly believe data should be more available to more people. And that people should be able to use and only pay for the data they want. As part of that mission, we are …
Lightning 101 For Exchanges: Managing Fees With Lightning
Last week we discussed how Lightning can help Exchanges create a better user experience by helping to create liquidity (link to post) for custom deposits and withdrawals. In that post, we mentioned the impact of on-chain fees. In this post, …
Crypto Exchange API Update: EOS Support
We are pleased to announce the addition of EOS to the Suredbits Crypto Spot Exchange API and Crypto Futures Exchange API. EOS has an approximately $4.8 billion market cap and averages roughly $90 million 24 hour trading volume on our represented exchanges. …
Lightning 101 For Exchanges: User Experience – Liquidity
Crypto exchanges can improve customer experience on their platform’s via Lightning technology by providing greater liquidity while offering enhanced privacy protections. In this post, we will focus on the matter of liquidity; its importance to traders and how both exchanges …
Lightning 101 For Exchanges: Security Part 3 – Private Key Management
This is the sixth post in our “Lightning 101 for Exchanges” blog series. In this post we explore private key management and some of the considerations and nuances required for security. Lightning For Exchanges Series Overview Regulation Part 1 — Money Transmitter …
Crypto Exchange API Update: Ripple Support
We are pleased to announce the addition of Ripple (“XRP”) to the Suredbits Crypto Spot Exchange API and Crypto Futures Exchange API. Ripple has an approximately $13.5 billion market cap and averages roughly $85.2 million 24 hour trading volume on our represented …
Crypto Exchange API Update: Bitcoin Cash Support
We are pleased to announce the addition of Bitcoin Cash, a.k.a. “BCash” to the Suredbits Crypto Spot Exchange API and Crypto Futures Exchange API. BCash has approximately $5.1 billion market cap and averages roughly $126 million 24 hour trading volume on represented …
Lightning 101 For Exchanges: Security Part 2 — Backing Up Your Lightning Wallet
This is the fifth post in our “Lightning 101 for Exchanges” blog series. In this blog post we are going to talk about how the various Lightning implementations handle their revoked commitment transactions and the backup features they offer to …
How to: Suredbits API JS client library
In December, Suredbits released the worlds first streaming API for cryptocurrency exchange market data over the Lightning Network. It allows developers and traders to query for realtime market data on both spot and futures based products. This is in addition to …