DLC Oracle Failure Cases
Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) are bitcoin-compatible non-custodial oracle contracts in which participants post Bitcoin collateral which is settled depending on an event in the “real-world” as attested to by a set of oracles. In this post, we will be exploring …
Multi-Oracle DLC Deep Dive
A couple weeks ago, we announced that we had successfully executed a DLC on-chain using oracles Bitfinex, Pierre Rochard and Suredbits. In this post, we will be diving into the details of how multi-oracle DLCs are accomplished. Before we dive into …
Settlement of First Multi-Oracle DLC
On March 11, 2021, Ben and I (Nadav) entered into a Discreet Log Contract on the bitcoin blockchain using a multi-oracle DLC. The oracles used were Bitfinex, Pierre Rochard and Suredbits. For the DLC to settle, 2 out of the …
Settlement of DLCFD
On December 17th, 2020, Roman and I (Nadav) entered into a special kind of Discreet Log Contract (DLC) called a Contract for Difference (CFD), or Discreet Log Contract for Difference (DLCFD) for short. Roman entered into the CFD with $22.80 …
Settlement of Volatility DLC
On December 4th, 2020, Chris and I (Nadav) entered into a Discreet Log Contract (DLC) speculating on the BTC/USD price. Specifically, I took the position that over the course of a week the price would move significantly, up or down, …
DLC Private Key Management Part 2: The Oracle’s private keys
Oracle Private Key Management Discreet Log Contracts enable non-custodial speculation directly on top of the bitcoin blockchain. When protocols are non-custodial, it’s important for users to understand how private keys are handled for the duration of their interaction with the …
DLC Private Key Management Part 1
Discreet Log Contracts enable non-custodial speculation directly on top of the bitcoin blockchain. When protocols are non-custodial, it’s important for users to understand how private keys are handled in the protocol. With DLCs, there is the potential for millions of …
End-to-end DLC Client Demo
As work on DLCs continues, we have another demo to show you guys. This is an improvement on our original DLC wallet demo because it now has an integrated way to call upon our Suredbits APIs to be able to …
Punishing Cheating DLC Oracles (Demo)
As our work implementing Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) continues, we slowly get to see all of their fancy features programmatically brought to life (and even the occasional UI) from their white paper homes. Today I would like to discuss and …