Schnorr Applications: Scriptless Scripts

In this post we continue our survey of Schnorr-enabled schemes and their applications to Bitcoin by exploring the exciting world of Scriptless Scripts which are enabled by a signature scheme called Adaptor Signatures. I will note that while it is …

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Schnorr Applications: MuSig

Welcome to this week’s installment of the introductory Schnorr blog series! So far we have covered (in extreme depth) what Schnorr signatures are and why they work securly. If you didn’t follow or haven’t read the last two posts (detailing …

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Suredbits Lightning Network

Schnorr Security Part 2: From ID to Signature

In the last blog post, we began laying out the groundwork for what will become an argument that Schnorr signatures are secure. We discovered the Schnorr Identity Protocol and proved that it is secure and correct (specifically Complete, Sound, and …

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Schnorr Security Part 1: Schnorr ID Protocol

In the previous post of our introductory Schnorr series, we discussed the definition of Schnorr signatures and tried to build some intuition as to how Schnorr signatures work by looking at a sequence of choices that could have led us …

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Introduction to Schnorr Signatures

Welcome to the introductory Suredbits Schnorr blog series! In this post I will explain what Schnorr signatures are and how they intuitively work. In the next post, I will present some evidence as to why this scheme is secure and …

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Activating Taproot

Bitcoin has gone through many upgrades during its history. Taproot is being proposed as the next improvement to the network.  We won’t be going into what taproot is and what it enables in this blog, but you can expect some …

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Advancing Bitcoin 2020 Review

Recently team members Chris Stewart and Nadav Kohen traveled to Advancing Bitcoin. This conference is designed to showcase technical innovations in the bitcoin/lightning space. We are going to highlight a few things we and other attendees talked about. Enterprise Lightning …

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